Sunday, March 22, 2015

Arkady Arcana Yaroslavl: “By the way the man was joking, it is possible to determine the intelligence!” – TVNZ

Today March 22


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Arkady Arcana meeting with journalists in Yaroslavl.

Photo: Elena Vakhrusheva

satirist was not on the 82-year life

March 23 in the morning, in a Moscow hospital died a famous writer and satirist Arkady Arcana. The writer’s health has deteriorated sharply against the background of cancer. In Yaroslavl, a well-known satirist for the last time was in 2012, the year. He came on a two-day festival of humor.

With the journalists at the festival, he shared his thoughts about what conversational genre dies on stage.

– No young readers nor good nor playwrights, – Arcana said. – Who jokes became uninteresting, boring, as if designed for idiots who pulled a grimace – and that is ridiculous. But the way people joking, you can determine its intelligence!

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