Thursday, September 1, 2016

Ministry of Culture sees a need for reform of the Center of Russian folklore – RIA Novosti

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Moscow, 1 – RIA Novosti The reform of the Center of Russian folklore is necessary to improve the institutions performance and avoid duplication of functions with other organizations, said on Thursday the culture Ministry’s press service with reference to the director of the House of folk Arts Tamara Purtova

.. Earlier, the Ministry of culture announced that the new director of the Centre appointed Oleg Ivanov, with his appointment center functions will not change.

“The center was established as an organization that was supposed to be engaged in field work and the publication of scientific papers. It was planned that it will be located in the town of Alexandrov, Vladimir region and preserve Russian folklore, while in the depths of Russia”, – said Tamara Purtova.

according to her, the result is a structure that essentially duplicate the work of a number of institutions, including the House of folk Arts, Moscow State University, Moscow Conservatory, Research Institute of cultural and natural heritage.

” it (reform) is dictated, first of all, the need to improve the efficiency of its (center) works If we talk about the new Director of the center Oleg Ivanov, it is worth noting that this is a good manager with a systems thinking in the field of state cultural policy “, -. concluded Purtova.

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