Friday, September 2, 2016

Tretyakov extended opening hours for the exhibition Aivazovsky – RIA Novosti

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MOSCOW, 2 – RIA Novosti Tretyakov gallery from September 7 will extend the opening hours on Sunday due to the large buzz around the exhibition seascape by Ivan Aivazovsky, RIA Novosti reported the press service of the museum on Friday

“We.. decided to extend the opening hours of the gallery on Sunday – if we had worked up to 18.00, now the museum will be open until 21.00 “, – said the agency interlocutor

She said that innovation will come into effect from September 7.. On average the exhibition is visited by about 5 thousand people a day. In total more than a month of its composition was visited by about 155 thousand people.

The exhibition, which presents more than 200 exhibits from 17 museums and private collections of six, opened in the Tretyakov Gallery on 29 July. Visit the exhibition can be until 20 November. As previously stated the Minister of Culture Vladimir Medina, exhibition Aivazovsky broke the record of attendance of the exhibition of Valentin Serov. At the same time Tretyakov Gallery for the first time introduced a pre-sale at the exhibition Aivazovsky tickets to avoid queues as Serov exhibition.

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