Friday, July 17, 2015

“Game of Thrones” is leading in the number of nominations for the “Emmy” – TVNZ

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Today 17 July


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The American Academy of Television Arts and Sciences named contenders for the 67th” Emmy »


The series can get 24 statues

The American Academy of Television Arts and Sciences named contenders for the 67th Award “Emmy.” Moreover, the leader in number of nominations was the series “Game of Thrones».

A screen adaptation of novels by George RR Martin claims victory in 24 categories, including the most prestigious – “Outstanding Drama Series”, which compete with the fantasy draft are such popular series as “Better call Saul”, “Downton Abbey,” “Homeland”, “House of Cards,” “Mad Men” and “Orange – hit of the season.” In addition, Peter Dinkleydzh and Emilia Clarke may be the best actor in a drama.

The second and third highest number of nominations for “Amy” won “American Horror Story” (19 categories) and “Olivia Kitteridzh” (13), according to the website of the American Television Academy.

It should be noted, “Game of Thrones” has never won in the category “Best Drama Series”. By the way, last year the project was nominated for the “Emmy” in 19 номинациях.

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