Tuesday, July 28, 2015

The famous writer died in the United States – Dni.Ru

The famous American writer, author of a number of criminal bestsellers Ann Rule has died in the United States. She was 83 years.
Ann Rule. Photo: twitter.com/seattleweekly

Ann Rule passed away on Saturday, July 25, but it has become known only on Monday. 83-year-old writer died in a hospital in Seattle (WA). Her daughter Leslie Rule said that Anne’s death occurred because of the numerous health problems, including heart disease , Tass reports.

During his life, Ann Rule wrote 30 crime novels, and even She received Edgar Award in the category “Best Detective.” Wide fame came to her with the first book, “The stranger next to me” (The Stranger Beside Me) about a serial killer Ted Bundy. Based on a true story, she wore an autobiographical character and was later filmed.

However, the story of his other novels of Anne also drew from the American reality. Rule Books are very popular so far, many of them best-sellers. However, writing career, she did not stop and managed to write the script for your life to eight television films and series , work produced and even played herself in the television movie THS Investigates: Inside the Mind of a Serial Killer in the TV series “Biography “and” The Oprah Winfrey Show “.

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