Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Putin called to create a center for victims of fires regions – Russian newspaper

Arriving in Khakassia, Vladimir Putin assessed the situation with wildfires, talked with the victims and with officials. The government needs integrator which will monitor the situation, he decided.

“In Siberia people faced with a natural disaster, the consequences of heavy,” – stated the President. According to preliminary data, about two thousand houses destroyed, two thousand families were left homeless, all this happened in 39 settlements. About seven thousand people turned out in the disaster zone.

See also

“Priority actions already taken, – said the president. – to provide first aid.” The government quickly allocated funds for this phase of work – 687 million rubles. “Of course, to solve all the problems that people are facing, it is not enough” – he added. You need to determine what steps must still be taken, what is the rate of elimination of the consequences and how the compensation of victims, both material and their resettlement.

“In the shortest time necessary to conduct a detailed assessment of the damage,” – commissioned President. “This will determine how quickly the work will be deployed to restore housing and infrastructure,” – he said. “Please do not pull – said the head of state. – MOE, local and regional authorities should organize this work as quickly as possible”.

It is necessary to determine the amount of funds for the rehabilitation of infrastructure and housing instead of destruction, Putin pointed out, reminding the words on the “straight line” that these works should be completed by September. “To the people for the winter was already a roof over his head and the children could go to school,” – he added.

“It is important to provide employment to the people, restore jobs, see what you can do to help farmers – listed the head of state. – People living on the earth. We need to help restore the lost cattle herd “.

The federal government should provide the necessary assistance to the regions, including the provision of funding, the president stressed.

See also

” constantly told that the necessary preventive measures “- said Putin. “But the analysis shows that the effectiveness of fire and other measures while low,” – he added. Natural fires are often caused by man: because of careless handling of fire, arson fell forests and so on … And this is repeated from year to year, he said, offering to see what can be done through legislation.

presidential envoy to the Siberian Federal District Nikolai Rogozhkin President instructed the control over the execution of decisions and coordinating the work of the authorities in the aftermath of disasters.

In addition, Putin demanded a unified approach to the elimination of the consequences of fires in Siberia and set up a special center – “integrator” who “fail the needs of each affected region, each person will develop a unified approach and will keep it under control”.

The head of state drew attention to the use of funds: they need to go to the disaster disaster for specific assistance to victims.

Following the meeting, Putin promised to give orders for two days. The President also said that after a month and a half planning another trip to Khakassia. After the meeting, the president invited the head of the Investigation Department of the republic on a separate conversation.

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