Tuesday, December 23, 2014

In Kazan, paid tribute to deceased Joe Cocker – TVNZ

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Today December 23


– 6 & amp; degC

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The singer died at the age of 70 from lung cancer

Singer whose name is entered in the 100 greatest artists in history, gave the museum a garment and one of his visits to Russia. And jeans Cocker brought from his own ranch in the United States. This garment means a lot to Joe, frayed trousers of blue cloth was for him a symbol of freedom and flight ….

Unfortunately, Coker recently passed away, but he will remain in our hearts as his incendiary and sensual hits with unforgettable velvety timbre of the singer.

And in Kazan now everyone will be able to remember the legend of the music scene, picking up the guitar with his autograph. And in the “Museum of jeans” look at Cocker’s pants, which will be stored in a special glass-enclosed box.

Back to home

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