Tuesday, August 19, 2014

“Moscow Operetta” play “Jane Eyre”, Kalman and Dunaevskogo – Russian Newspaper

The new, 88th season theater “Moscow Operetta” will begin September 12 premiere of the musical Kim Breitburg “Jane Eyre”. This was announced at a traditional gathering of the troupe’s director Vladimir Tartakovsky.

poetic libretto based on the novel by Charlotte Bronte written by Karen Kavaleryan, the show puts Alina Cevik. In her characteristic, the most popular among readers around the world Bronte novel – especially women reading, and the best of humanity comes to the theater just to empathize and sympathize. It was at a female audience and is designed a new musical that a melodramatic storyline based add peculiar musical genre entertainment: in the play will be a lot of crowd scenes and spectacular choreography.

In the new season, fans will see the light of the genre and one of the best, but inexplicably rarely we going Emmerich Kalman operetta “The Violet of Montmartre”.

But the most interesting, in my opinion, the prime minister is waiting for us in February: the stage of the theater finally returns to the music of Isaac Dunaevskogo – to 115-th anniversary of the famous composer of the Soviet times. This project deals with the actress and director Joan Zherder: she has created a new libretto based on tunes written Dunayevsky for different genres, from operetta to film music and popular songs.

see also

How to tell the “WP” by future performance, it has long worried about the fate of the music of Isaac Dunaevskogo – great melodist of the twentieth century. And if the music to movies, from “Jolly Fellows” and “Spring” to “Kuban Cossacks” and “Volga-Volga”, still sounds on television, his operetta completely forgotten because of irrelevant libretto: history lovers, but in principle the whalers ( “Locust”), or the struggle for the independence of a small but proud Hispanic people (“Free Wind”) today is simply impossible to put into the scene. Therefore it was decided to reconstruct the history of shooting the first Soviet kinomyuzikla “Jolly Fellows”.

To be more precise, it fantasized – about as fantasized story of Johann Strauss the authors of the classic film “The Great Waltz”. The play does not attempt to strive for portrait likeness of very real characters of the story, of which he himself Isaac Dunaevsky, playwright Nikolai Erdman, superstars of the time, as Lyubov Orlova, Leonid Cliffs and director Grigory Alexandrov – created our first kinomyuziklov. Even the names of the characters changed: Orlova, for example, will be under the name of the heroine of “Spring” Shatrova.

In the fantasy will be wedded quotes from all your favorite movies, film projection and promise a lot of what Jeanne Zherder identified as gay hooliganism . Scenography and costumes have come up with artists Tatiana Tulubieva and Igor light, and the performance is created mainly by the younger generation of artists of the Moscow Operetta, including a large group of recruits.

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“Troupe noticeably rejuvenated and strengthened with new talents, her plans are interesting – says in an interview with” RG “Vladimir Tartakovsky. This theater is closely: there is no place to store the scenery, but also to build new premises also nowhere: the center of the city, now a pedestrian zone. Theatre has long dreamed of a branch to the traditional operetta and almost stationary modern musicals do not repel each other, and there at the same time. Or on a small stage where you can play experimental performances, including comic operas – but these hopes for many years are lost in the fog “.

At the gathering of the troupe were brought another innovation of the season, and it is noticeably alarmed artists: in the theater will be the head of the vocal laboratory, its function is to increase vocal skills.

“We – the Moscow theater, – said Vladimir Tartakovsky – and not compete with the genre colleagues from Novosibirsk or Omsk, and the Bolshoi Theatre , Theater of Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko, to come to our city the world of musical theater. Season to be difficult, and success will depend on the performances including the quality of our vocal soloists, from the musical level as a whole. And if some of the artists over the years is not claimed – that is his problem, which has become ours, and it will have to be addressed. Complacency observed before, is no more. Include artists who spend the seasons do not do anything, the theater in the current environment is not able to, “- said the director, which clearly reduced the festive mood gathered.

The Director” Moscow Operetta “once again reminded that participation in contests “Golden Mask” theater officially refused to continue. past season were undoubtedly successful, came the premiere, highly regarded in the press, and the play “Graf Orlov” in the global competition of musicals in South Korea was considered the best. But at home he did not even hit the nominees “Masks”, were not seen other strong premiere. Obviously, competition experts are guided by some own criteria, and in these conditions for participation in theater is meaningless.


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