Sunday, December 7, 2014

Love Letters of Marilyn Monroe sold for 121 thousand dollars – Arguments and Facts

Moscow, December 7 – AiF-Moscow.

At the auction in Beverly Hills for $ 78.125 were sold love letters of famous American baseball player Joe DiMaggio, Marilyn Monroe addressed, newspaper .Ru with reference to the Associated Press

 Joe DiMaggio was the second husband of American actress. Experts believe that the letters were written after Monroe announced the divorce. The buyer chose to remain anonymous correspondence.

Also in the auction were sold very Marilyn Monroe written a letter to her third husband, the playwright Arthur Miller. Another unidentified buyer purchased it for $ 43,750.


The tragedy of stars: what’s wrong with Marilyn?


The funeral of Marilyn Monroe, born Norma Jeane Baker , on 8 August 1962 at Bertvudskom cemetery. She was buried in the wall of the crypt. At the memorial service read only one psalm begins with the words: “How awesome and wonderfully made its creator …»


The mysterious death


«Children, especially girls, should always say that they are beautiful and that they are loved. If I have a daughter, I will always tell her that she’s beautiful, I’ll comb her hair and will not leave her alone for a minute “- Marilyn Monroe said.


All my life I dreamed of Marilyn family and home. Children never had. In a series of marriages none of the men did not become a real husband and family man, and his own house appeared shortly before her death. In it and found Marilyn August 5, 1962 between 3 and 4 o’clock in the morning. Naked, with the handset in hand … Her last words were addressed to the Peter Lawford , British actor, married to Pat, sister of President John F. Kennedy. Her voice was unusually sleepy, and she finished talking ominously: “Say goodbye to Pat for me, with the president and with yourself, because you’re a nice guy.” No suicide note was found . Next.


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