Friday, August 19, 2016

Experts: Vasileva soften claims caused to the education system – RIA Novosti

MOSCOW, August 19 -. RIA Novosti Olga Vasilyeva, head into Friday’s Ministry of Education and Science will be able to mitigate the claims arising to the education system of Russia in recent years, is now for them to solve the main task for the new minister would be to create an effective management team, according to experts interviewed by RIA Novosti.

Russia’s President Vladimir Putin has previously agreed with the proposal to appoint the prime minister Dmitry Medvedev, the new head of the Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation President Olga Vasilyeva employee administration. Previously held this position Dmitry Livanov will be the head of state’s special representative for trade and economic relations with Ukraine

The reason for the resignation

According to the director of the International Institute of the newest states Alexei Martynov, Lebanon. – this minister, who had the “biggest anti-rating” not only in the current government, but also, “probably in the entire history of Russia.” “Critical, negative attitude to Minister Livanov especially in a society very much Last sociology VTsIOM is very clearly illustrated.” – He said,

In April this year VTsIOM presented next rankings informed estimates and the quality of the Russian government’s ministers.. According to the study, three months (fourth quarter 2015) evaluation of Livanov has fallen from 3.01 to 2.72 points (on 5-point scale). Thus, Lebanon finished last in the ranking among the 30 ministers.

Professor RANHiGS under President Vladimir Slatinov considers that the resignation is caused by the upcoming elections to the State Duma and the reconfiguration of personnel system of government before the presidential election. “Resignation Livanov – she is related to the change in the control system, and with the arrival of humans to new challenges, but it has a subtext of the election, before the 18th of September, because the government, and I want to remind you that our government is headed by the leader of the United Russia list, therefore, quite natural that certain public irritation from the activity of the government and of some of its characters, it naturally flows to the party in power – so that changes in the government and care people- “allergens”, this care is intended, of course, help the EP ” – the expert believes

According to him, Lebanon “is still the most public irritated,” in particular, because of the “extremely ambiguous” public relations for the exam, to the optimization of the system of education, salaries in the education system. RAS reform. “That is so absolute chaos with the standards, if we are talking about higher education, combined with a huge bureaucracy fantastic. And it is, of course, introduced vo-pervyh education system to a screeching halt, vo-vtoryh sharply increased discontent,” – says Slatinov .

public figures to replace the manager

At the same Martynov believes that the new position Livanov “quite a handle” and a new Minister of Education is “brilliant personnel decision the president.” “This is the flesh and blood of the national education system, one that has passed all the stages is very important … I think that the problems that now put the president in approving Minister Vasilyeva, are met.” – Said political scientist

Slatinov said. that the authorities in the case of the Livanov and other personnel changes in the government “operates smoothly,” calling the new position of the ex-minister, “a soft dismissal option.” “Those who can not cope, they are moving (if not some serious corruption claims against the people), we have not made officials loudly dismiss … Because we understand that the Minister of Education – this is a huge sphere, affects society, indirectly affecting on the economy and politics, and most importantly – a great resource sphere anyway it soft option dismissal. “- said the expert.

Martynov believes that in order to fix the problems, “you need to start doing it, it is necessary to proceed with this.” “We talk about it a few years, but the situation continues, if not worse, then be at the same point is therefore to fix it, you need to start it.” -. He said

According to Slatinova, Vasilyeva appointment – is “interesting personnel decision” because it faces serious managerial problems. “But on the other hand, it is possible that it is the lack of concentration, it is excessive, on a purely technological, managerial issues, and try to look at the education system in terms of social problems, social needs – can be here right now, and it is necessary” -. he believes

The political scientist noted that much now depends on how Vasilyeva dial command. “If it attains an effective management team, it will combine its view, greater vse-taki scientist, teacher and public figure with the management. I do not exclude that this one moment, this personnel decision was a definite cause in this”, – he said Slatinov.

Also, in his opinion, in the selection of the new minister important it was the fact that given the current attention to the issues and problems of preservation of traditional values ​​in society is important person Parish, who was involved in ROC history professionally and wrote a thesis on this topic. “How it works from the point of the new challenges, we will see This is another type of solution -. Man is not purely managerial warehouse and man public warehouse”, – said Slatinov


What. as for the cancellation of the exam, the political scientist believes that this rate is unlikely to change radically with the arrival of Vasilyeva, as there are some fundamental things, provisions, principles of reforming the education system, which formulated the “Livanov not.” “They are formulated at a higher political level, it refers to the exam, the reform of the RAS, issues related to the formation of the state … It is clear that Livanov is not taking key political decisions, he was still more than a manager who realizes formulated at higher political levels course From my point of view, this course is hardly a radical change, “-. believes Slatinov

according to him, Lebanon could not find and offer efficient, balanced decisions on the implementation of the relevant principles, therefore, in his opinion, the system. education “monstrously bureaucratized” was “chaos with the state standards,” so there are serious concerns for the exam. “Bringing Vasilyeva -. An attempt to smooth things over in the implementation of these areas I am sure that we will not see radical change, but, for example, some exam transformation, it is already happening Livanov talked about it, but some exam transformation into a.. soft, acceptable and less socio-shaped irritable happen, “- he concluded the agency.


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