Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Historians, political scientists and philosophers have discussed the concept of the patriarch of the “Russian world” – Sight

The concept of Patriarch Kirill of the “Russian world” discussed Monday at a roundtable historians, philosophers and political scientists. The discussion took place at the Foundation Institute of Socio-Economic and Political Studies in anticipation of the opening of the World Russian People’s Council (ARNS).

The meeting was presented the collection “Seven words on the Russian world”, made up of the performances of the patriarch in different cities of Russia forums ARNS, as well as Christmas parliamentary meetings, reports Tass.

Patriarch Kirill calls the “Russian world” a single spiritual and cultural world of the eastern Slavs. “Russian world – it is a spiritual and cultural, and the value dimension of the human person”, – he said.

In his speeches, he repeatedly stressed that the concept of “Russian World” and its values ​​unite different peoples of historical Russia, regardless of their current political preferences and national borders. This is not a political phenomenon and not a social project.

«If we talk about civilization, Russia belongs to the larger civilization than the Russian Federation. This civilization we call the Russian world. Russian world – from Kiev baptismal font. Russian world – this is a special civilization, which belong to the people who today call themselves by different names – and Russian, Ukrainians and Belarusians. This world may belong to people who do not belong to the Slavic world, but that perceived cultural and spiritual component of the world as its own, “- said the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church in the author’s program” Word of the pastor. ”

Head of Department “Applied Political Science” Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation Konstantin Simonov called “interesting” thesis of the patriarch of the West is faced with such challenges, which he alone can not cope, and that the Russian the world does not oppose itself to the West, and “is going to help the West in dealing with really urgent moral, political and other problems.” According to him, it is “not only about sexual and other minorities, there is the social avant-garde goes much further.”

«And this position (the patriarch) have to say, despite the fact that in today’s world it can be called backward and subjected to harsh criticism,” – said the analyst.

«Patriarch of offered solutions, based on the holistic integrated approach of the unity of all periods. Not opposing, without singling out any one period, not to mention that there was a period of so-called rossiyanstva who had crossed out all that was before “, – noted in his speech that Moscow State University Professor Mikhail Maslin, an expert on the history of Russian philosophy . “I am deeply convinced that sovetofobiya too, is a form of Russophobia. And when the patriarch that the fate of the church in the Soviet period was difficult, not crosses out this period, “- said the scientist.

Patriarch comes from the traditional Russian thought the concept of “big people.” It implitsidno already present in the “Tale of Bygone Years”, passes through Russian chronicles, through the works of the classics of Russian historical thought, is found in the writings of Shcherbatova, Boldin, Karamzin, Soloviev, Kliuchevskoi “- said MSU professor Maslin.


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