Monday, August 15, 2016

Petersburg Prosecutor’s Office acknowledged the video “In Peter – drink” satire – RIA Novosti

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PETERSBURG, August 15 – RIA Novosti The prosecutor’s office of St. Petersburg recognized shocking video “Leningrad” “group in St. Petersburg – drink” satire, expressing the creative vision of the author, told RIA Novosti the deputy of the St. Petersburg parliament Evgeny Marchenko, who appealed to the ministry with a proposal to check the clip for the content of foul language

. Earlier Marchenko offered to test a new resonant clip Shnurova “In Peter – drink” not only on the promotion of alcohol, but also to profanity and received a reply to the supervisory authority.

“The prosecutor’s office, checking the clip two months, recognized clip satirical and stated that the cord clip expresses his creative vision and I think a satirical response to the prosecutor’s office.”, – Said the deputy

According to him, he said. I surprised by such a response to the supervisory authority. “I’m surprised by checking two months is a” work “, involving four experts, prosecutors found no swearing and saw Russian law violations”, – said the deputy

According to him, currently the deputy attorneys prepared. appeal the decision of the prosecutor’s office in St. Petersburg prosecutor’s office.

The prosecutor’s office of St. Petersburg did not comment on the information about the response to the deputy department.

The premiere of the video “In Peter – drink” was held on May 1 and immediately sparked a fierce debate. Some accepted it with humor, the chairman of St. Petersburg Tourism Development Committee Viktor Kononov even thanked the artist for attracting tourists to the northern capital.

Other criticized another creation of the Executive, in particular, a State Duma deputy from the Communist Party Valery Rashkin complained clip in Roskomnadzor. He called the new movie “Leningrad”, “incompetent” and “stuffed with foul language” .- 0 –

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