Monday, August 1, 2016

“Picnic Afisha” -2016: STI its line – New News

On Saturday in the “Kolomenskoye” held a traditional festival “Afisha Picnic” – the twelfth in a row. At this time, the composition of the artists main stage was varied as ever: from early morning until late at night one could hear techno (and originally from Syria) by Omar Suleiman, psychedelic rock from the Temples of Britons (performing the role of binding “Picnic” group ” in the style of Kasabian “), rap from the current idol of young people (to say the children) Oxxxymiron, stringy ballad from the former homeless, and now the owner of Mercury Prize Benjamin Clementine, timeless hits of the Russian soul from the good old group” Leningrad “and drowned in the powerful the light show from bigbita The Chemical Brothers fathers.

Heroes of the second stage, which usually act not the most famous Russian artists and representatives of the underground, became an American multi-instrumentalist Adrian Young and UK grime rapper Skepta (which is quite possible to change scenes with Oxxxymiron). Just the main thing: of course, a message stating that “Picnic” will not mate and rapper Oxxxymiron with Sergei Shnurovym will not sing about reality too truthfully, it was a duck clean water. In general, the organizers of any festival in this situation is understandable: after all, profanity at public events is now prohibited, and it is better to play it safe, dropping a duck. On the other hand, the presence in the schedule of “Leningrad” with Oxxxymiron and messages about the absence of a mat look like the most controversy about the cross and shorts. Either you call these artists and are ready for them to respond or does not call

Today, when almost all the summer festivals are over, it can be stated:. Whoever was invited to the festival organizers, people still go to the “Leningrad”. I must say the organizers of the “Picnic” is not the first time going on a trick – last year they were called in as the headliner singer Zemfira, that without festivals can secure a full room of any size. Cords can also attract the most motley audience (perhaps the first time in “Picnic” came natured peasants 40, surprised by what this festival one where even drink nothing).

And in this there is something altruistic : you can call adored by all Zemfira and “Leningrad”, knowing exactly what their fees will pay off, and allow yourself to invite someone less famous and never even in Russia are not speaking, but who simply can not invite (eg, Benjamin Clementine and Skepta ). The organizers of “Picnic” and come, continuing to put in the first place its name.

In general, a set of Sergei Shnurova groups on “Picnic Afisha” turned out much shorter than in the same “Invasion”, and from the time-tested hits were only “the WWW” and “Supergud”. Everything else is the same – “Exhibit”, “In St. Petersburg – to drink”, “Fish”, “Moscow, for whom the call of your bells”, etc. Speaking at the most fashionable Russian festival, the cord can not resist the light trolling public. asking if any of the athletes of the crowd, and the massive enthusiastic “yes!” (healthy lifestyle now and really trending) sang the song “HLS”. “You just do not tell anyone that we are swearing – asked cord – but you are also swearing!»

In fact, it’s great when a completely different festivals, the audience that not only crosses, but also looking at each other with suspicion, there’s a total actor.

on the performance of rapper Oxxxymiron to the main stage in the thick stretched pupils of the middle classes (there is still time to make fun of recommendation for the parents at the time of presentation Oxxxymiron lead children to the next stage). The children would not forgive – because they came here to listen to the angry and desperate rapping

Oxxxymiron aka Myron Fedorov, unlike String, the audience is not a troll, and openly calls his work “crap” and complains. the fact that too many people, and all any left ( “apparently Urgant and” Londongrad “blame”). But students that approach very much to heart. Since performance, Oxxxymiron noted that “we, reperkov” earlier in decent society in general is not allowed, and admit that you love rap, it was a shame, but now themselves hipsters come to hear him. How many in this posture, and so the truth: about subcultures today is really no one remembers, and listen to all kinds of music does not shameful. Only it happened, rather, not because of a qualitative leap in the pop or rap music, but because of this, that the separation of styles gone by itself. By the way, this is partly the merit of “Billboards”, the authors of which constantly introduces readers to the new domestic music, whatever it was.

Headlining the “Picnic” was the group The Chemical Brothers, and at first her appearance in the line- Ape festival did not please his fans. Duet “brothers” for 24 years, they have been many times in Russia and by the standards of electronic music have long been out for a happy retirement, remained in the memory thanks to hits Galvanize, Do It Again, The Salmon Dance, Block Rockin ‘Beats. Nevertheless, their highly technical light show that makes augmented reality without any Pokemon, be sure to view for any music lover. Especially this summer The Chemical Brothers led the summer festivals of the Hungarian Sziget to Polish Krakow Live Festival and the Swiss Zurich Openair. Starting with hit Hey Boy, Hey Girl and running on a giant screen virtual dancer, “brothers” to continue performance of a new song Sometimes I Feel So Deserted and did not slow down the pace, tossing crowd their acid silhouettes, creepy clowns, giant robots, and so on.

In general, despite the efforts of “Picnic” creators to acquaint the public with new and experimental, unusual and fresh, the choice of the masses still falls on the time-tested and its. Perhaps that is why Oxxxymiron and Skepta not changed scenes, and the headliner was selected failsafe. The “Picnic Afisha” is not discouraged and down his line, inviting the artists, which in Russian you will not hear anywhere else.


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