Wednesday, December 7, 2016

New “Harry Potter” has not caused a stir in St. Petersburg – Fontanka.Ru

07 December 2016, 16:55

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a New book by JK Rowling “Harry Potter and the cursed child” on the first day of its sales St. Petersburg buying actively, but without excitement. So, in one of the Central points of the network “Bookvoed” on Uprising square citizens by mid-day acquired about 40 of the 500 laid out on the shelves instances.

- the Demand is good, but a book from the shelves emptying. So it was in the first days of sales of the new novel by Victor Pelevin or the international bestseller “Shantaram”. Many buyers came for the novelty of the morning, and now less interested in her – probably all at work, – said “Fontanka” the merchandiser “Bookvoed na Vosstaniya” Yuri Genkin. – Expect a new influx of customers in the evening and in the morning, when St. Petersburg will receive more information about the book from the press.

All network “Bookvoed” ordered 10 thousand copies of “Harry Potter and the cursed child”, but how many books sold on the first day of sales, it will be possible to accurately count only tomorrow, said the press service of the company.

- All that is known at the moment: on the morning of 7 December, the users left in our online store about 250 pre-orders, – speak here.

In the small bookshops in St. Petersburg often also interested in the new “Potter”, but buy it less often.

- we have 20 copies of the book purchased so far only one, though the townspeople call and ask about the book, – said in a conversation with the “Fontanka” is one of the founders of the shop “All are free” on the Moika embankment, 28, Artem Faustov. – Maybe the fact that “Harry Potter” to our readers – not of paramount importance book, the visitors “All are free” I prefer the intellectual literature of the mass.

In an independent store, “Subscription edition” on Foundry Avenue, 57, in the morning I had 100 books. By mid-day readers bought 10 copies personally, and five more ordered in the online store, said the head of “Subscription editions” Michael Ivanov.

Recall that on the morning of 7 December in Russia started selling the new book by Joan Rowling “Harry Potter and the cursed child”. It’s a play written for the London Palace theater. The action is only indirectly related with the main events of Harry Potter: in the story, Harry is a Mature man working in the Ministry of magic. The main intrigue revolves around the relations of the magician with one of his children.

Elena Kuznetsova, “”

the Project was implemented on the grant of Saint-Petersburg


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