Tuesday, December 15, 2015

“Star Wars”: The Awakening of the war – REGNUM

Moscow, December 15, 2015, 09:28 – REGNUM

The greatest trick the devil was that,

that he was convinced the world in its unreality.

/ f “The Usual Suspects»

The world waited. Joy to the World! Legend coming. Earth rejoice before her!

Everything is ready: the galaxy all as far as once on Tatooine, a grain of sand adjacent to a grain of sand – do not stir, lightsabers are charged, and the droids are lubricated, cleaned and ready to plunge into new adventures.

Probably half of the planet’s stores you can find products labeled “Star Wars”: this battery, and beverages, and slippers, and even laces, like the legendary knights and their opponents. Tickets sold out for a long time for the week ahead. Reviews are written. Sequels are removed and planned profit.

«And let the whole world wait,” with its tragedies, wars, famine, refugees and the growing tensions. So? It seems that none of the world news media is not spared the imminent premiere of the seventh episode of “Star Wars” from JJ Abrams. Up to the last detail discussed all the videos and rumors. Every word uttered by every advertising press conference replicated and interpreted by thousands of newspapers and magazines. Rare statements of Heads of State awarded such attention. Indeed, how much more interesting rumor that Luke would not be in this episode, something that someone, somewhere, could not identify flying in the sky bomber and took our convoy of NATO … sent to bomb the Y-wing – they just do not confused …

Offer a distraction. Strongly suggest that persistently. So, why there? But aside – what?

Once upon a time, in a far-distant 1977, they released their first (he is – the fourth) next episode of the saga – “New Hope”. It seems that in those dusty hundred times, its political message was more than obvious. In all of the trilogy was quite clearly – the good with the rebels chopped evil empire, the main representative of which is armed with a red sword, and even if it is alive, or dead.

It can be assumed that a new hope has been in finding a new way of struggle, hope for a quick victory in the war, very real in those years. In the Cold War. Occasionally mentioning the Senate and democracy, the poor, but it is unknown where taking a huge fleet of rebels apparently are the US and its allies, they even call themselves the “Alliance” in order to precisely nobody confused. “Empire” is – a propaganda stamp assigned to the USSR.

bipolar world in the seventies – a vivid, palpable. And clearly reflected in the film, even revealing entertainment “wars.” But the war was won – “Empire” was not in the movie and in real life. About what to shoot next?

Fears unipolar world reflects the second trilogy, called “The Phantom Menace” in 1999. And if the ideological identification of the “dark side” ever-living Vader from the first trilogy someone is small, then the Marxist rhetoric about wandering ghost and weapons forged by the bourgeoisie and carry her to death, receives more than a concrete embodiment. Ghost – the future Emperor Palpatine, as any self-respecting connoisseur of the universe knows that the emperor is immortal: it is – the spirit to move from body to body. Weapons and young Skywalker is studying in the Jedi Order, and the clone army, commissioned by the same order. Let me remind you that The Phantom Menace after 2011 became a real war for the United States with those whom they also raised. War, which does not cease to this day.

Thus, each trilogy existed in a particular political context, successfully anticipating its further development. So what a spectacle we should wait? At this time, the sword in the hands of the villain is not only red, but the cross. Maybe escaping under the Catholic Christmas picture establish itself as a truly iconic? As a new gospel, the basis for the universal Church today? If so, she will have many reasons to do so.

It may be that the vicissitudes of fate of the characters of the saga known modern public better than the history of the Israeli carpenter Egyptian shepherd, a son of the merchants of Mecca or the ancient Indian prince renegade, not to mention their teachings and legacy. Moreover, around the world easy to meet people, for whom the event films and their interpretations are almost sacred status. No one was surprised by the use of the phrase “canonical trilogy” or “trilogy.” In the United States, where for a long time with the celebration of Christmas does not have a clear religious status (to non-Christians do not take offense), “Star Wars” may well compete for the title unite the nation of spiritual braces. However, it is quite different thinking …

What is the likely political message of the upcoming movie? I think – definitely a return to war – cold or maybe hot. I want to make a mistake. But resurgent empire with red swords that can still mean? Yes, and we can not say that in the mass cinema this issue is not treated more than active.

There are many examples do not need: Spielberg’s latest film “Spy Bridge”, released in November, just another one dedicated to the ancient Cold War. With the seriousness of irony befitting a modern story about a lawyer defending Abel in court, and then to organize his return for Pryor Powers and detail reminiscent of the modern viewer, for what should not love the Soviet Union. The film – a film adaptation of the phrase Churchill about democracy, he gently criticized their system, knowing that the other known worse, and their own, despite the shortcomings, is good.

Master manages soft and accurate supply, which wrapped many problems of the Eastern bloc, which seem to many, can remind us now. Then the Berlin Wall with machine guns and shooting of defectors. In the picture separately talked for about Russia wanting to be the mistress of the GDR, which clearly makes it clear: the Germans against the wall are irrelevant – and also recalls the Soviet imperial colonial ambitions. And anyway, it is not very clear how it happened that the Soviets were “occupied” Berlin and despicable do not want to restore it?

The same number of stands taken extremely theatrical Soviet court, contrasting with the American realistic, challenging, but alive and able to go against the crowd and the authorities. The same number of accusations made by some to be a comparison of treatment of prisoners: Abel in the United States almost gently wakes the guard to carry on the exchange, while the Powers tortured – deprived of sleep and the light bulb in the face. Strong progress apparently is both a reminder of the dreadful dungeons of the Gulag, lunge toward their own government, actually torturing prisoners of war, on the grounds that they are “non-citizens” and are on the territory of the other. Like, see, to whom you fell – you’re no better than the then Soviet Union.

Spielberg puts everything in its place: on this side of the Atlantic – the good guys are blue, and there, somewhere in the vast Russian strange – poor red. In unison with the master speaks Edward Zwick with a biographical drama about “Bobby” Fischer “Pawn Sacrifice”. Already in advertising the film it sounded that “Fisher stands alone against the entire Soviet empire.” However, the film actually treats victorious propaganda cliché ironically – we see that Fisher can not be called a lone knight, and support for “Empire” is more than comparable with support for the “Alliance”.

Movies Zwick and Spielberg combines touching developed in the years following the hoary antiquity standard postwar anti-Soviet propaganda: on the one hand, the Soviets are terrible, vicious and unreasonably dangerous and to fight with them to put all available forces. On the other hand – their specific comic representatives. For example, at the Spassky Zwick funny when she goes to the white beach of Miami in a dark three-piece suit, together with accompanying persons, or when he tries to imitate Fischer hear inaudible. As KGB Spielberg is a mockery, when employees try to play before the Abel family attorney.

Interestingly, these films are not directly advocacy, it study of Western society and the person in it. The Cold War in these films is, it would seem, only chronological needed.

Here and in the “Star Wars” confrontation, as it seems to many, it did not have any political overtones. Just cut conditional conditional good bad. It is such a need for action-movie – the existence of the bad guys, violence. Just because in politics there is, as they say, such a need, otherwise, why all the military industry? One can not endlessly justify 600 billion military budget need to defend themselves from the Afghan terrorists.

Should we expect the saga of irony – of the modern marker “serious conversation” or is removed as before – with stone grave faces, at the level of children and naive pathos so popular today? Popular, perhaps because they think we do not want. Let intellectuals think, and our ears are ready for a new batch of noodles – we only want to have fun, “and let the whole world wait».

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