Thursday, January 12, 2017

Renata Litvinova with her mother and daughter left Moscow a – Days.Ru

the Main “goddess” chose Russian cinema abroad. It is there that she meets 50th anniversary.

Hard to believe that eternally young Renata Litvinova today exchanged sixth decade. To celebrate the anniversary she decided away from home. “Birthday, I’ll be at a very narrow circle. I deliberately left Moscow, taking with them the mother, daughter and people close to me. Not adjusting for any “friendly overtures” will be at last with those with whom you want and how you want. Later in Moscow I will note once again with the Moscow comrades, but also very rare. And still in Paris! But on January 12 I will be in the North, where a lot of snow. Of course we will dance” – quoted Litvinova TASS.

With a choice of places to celebrate the actress problem, fortunately, was not – she owns a nice apartment on the Boulevard Bonne Nouvelle in Paris. In addition, it often happens at a ski resort in the Alps. Apparently, it happened today, if you focus on set an actress on the page in Instagram geotag Megève.

Renata, of course, the phenomenon in culture. Honestly, she’s not an actress, Director, screenwriter, producer, photographer, designer and artist positions herself and the character. Textured, catchy, sometimes comical, rolling occasionalisms – invented on the occasion of the words, such as “viterets”, “carteresque”, “ukrassist” – character.

largely due to the filmmaker Kira Muratova have Litvinova appeared firm tone in the voice, manner, had formed an original image. Renata, she is not expecting, was one of the main clown, the perfect target for parody, though nested in its mouth the phrase “How terrible to live!” was never actually uttered.

She could do nothing on stage, just to sell tickets, to get, brand to sigh, to pasalamat hands, poulybatsya, posoritsja. And paying for it with armfuls of flowers, bags with gifts, winning applause. But it is, nonetheless, does – now in the Moscow art theatre. Rehearsing for the fourth Chekhov play. “I wrote the play “Northern wind” – for those artists with whom I wanted to work. The music for the play will be written by Zemfira. The play planned to release in the spring,” says Litvinov.

the part of Zemfira in this project it was possible not to doubt – the two good friends always help each other. Last year, for example, Renata helped in the production of the tour Zemfira “Little man”. The singer calls Litvinov “companion and genius.” Their relationship became long ago a byword, but they don’t pay attention to gossip, constantly keeping watch from the corner paparazzii. They are just happy. And that is more important.


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