Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Scythian gold from Kiev museums returned home – Kommersant

19 exhibits from Kiev museums from the exhibition “Crimea – the golden island in the Black Sea” in the Allard Pierson Museum in Amsterdam returned to Kiev. The remaining 565 artifacts from museums in Crimea expect a judgment in Amsterdam.

These works were given to the museum Kiev together with the Museum exhibition Crimean Scythian gold before joining the peninsula to Russia. In particular, in Kiev back Scythian gold helmet, gold Scythian sword and scabbard to it, as well as the Sarmatians jewelry: jewelry and household items. Now 19 transmitted exhibits can be seen in the Museum of Historical Treasures of Ukraine in Kiev-Pechersk Lavra.

On the 565 works from the collections of the Crimean museums claiming both Ukraine and Russia. As a result of a comprehensive study of international law Dutch museum “and could not make a decision and to meet the requirement of one of the parties.” This was stated in a statement published earlier institution. Thus, the Allard Pierson Museum decided to wait for a court decision or agreement between the parties, and before that to keep the product intact.

Russian Culture Minister Vladimir Medina had previously stated that the agency does not plans to intervene in the conflict between museums and the Minister of Culture of Ukraine Yevhen Naschuk promised to sue for the works.

Rita Rusakov

As Russia and Ukraine entered into an argument for the cultural heritage of Crimea

Risk of failure to return to the Crimea located in Holland exhibition of Scythian gold sharply raised the question of the cultural heritage of the peninsula. Experts insist that art should return to the museum, and are waiting for diplomats and politicians understand. But, if the cultural values ​​of the Crimea will not be defined by a special legal regime, in the case of their transfer to the ownership of the Russian Kiev threatens to turn to international courts. Read more

«The problem is, who is the true owner of the exhibits»

Artifacts displayed at the exhibition were found in the Crimea, and must return it there, I’m sure the president Pushkin Museum Irina Antonova. “This exhibition shows the Crimea, these artifacts are found in the Crimea, as it were, of the identity of the ancient cultures that have been in the Crimea. We work in the Crimea, our museum, since 1926 we have archaeological excavations, and this year we are also going to dig in the Crimea. But now all leave the Crimea, wow we do not take, I think it all belongs to the Crimea, it is true, “- said Ms. Antonova. Read more


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