Interstate dispute about the exhibits of the exhibition “Crimea: gold and the secrets of the Black Sea” in Amsterdam continues for several months. Its members are Russia, Ukraine and the Netherlands, in the territory of which are currently in cultural values.
The exhibition opened in Amsterdam Allard Pierson Museum in February 2014 and was completed on May 28. Before June 1, all the exhibits were to be returned to the Crimea and Kiev, whose museums present exhibits.
In March 2014 Crimea became part of the Russian Federation on a subject. Netherlands officially recognized the Crimea to Russia. There was a question about an accessory exhibits. Allard Pierson Museum has an obligation to return them both to the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine, and in front of the Crimean museums, which are now located on the territory of Russia.
August 20 guide Amsterdam museum issued a press release in which it stated that on the issue of return of the exhibits was a major operation, studied law and international treaties and contracts, in accordance with which the ancient objects of culture and life found in the Crimea, were presented at the exhibition. However, the question of ownership of the collection has not yet been resolved.
Allard Pierson Museum is ready to submit to the verdict, “the imposition of a qualified judge,” or the decision reached on the basis of the parties’ agreement, but until then leave Scythian gold at home.
In an official statement about this museum noted that “getting a call from the Crimea and Kiev regarding the exhibits” Crimea: gold and the secrets of the Black Sea. “” On the basis of contracts on leasing ancient objects of culture and life four Crimean museum believe that objects should be returned immediately after the end of exposure. Ukrainian Ministry of Culture, in turn, believes that these facilities are state property and must be returned to Kiev “.
September 9 Ukrainian media reported that in Kiev returned all 19 items that were provided by Ukraine for the exposition in the museum Allard Pierson. Among them Scythian gold helmet, gold Scythian sword and scabbard to it, as well as jewelry Sarmatians – household items and decorations. As for the Crimean exhibits, they remain in the museum Pearson to court decisions about the place of their return.
In total, the exhibition in the Allard Pierson Museum – Museum of Archaeology, University of Amsterdam – have provided more than 500 pieces (about 2 thousand. subjects) with an estimated cost of insurance more than 500 thousand. euros of four Crimean museums.
- From the collection of the Kerch Historical and Cultural Reserve went to an exhibition of 190 museum objects – antique sculpture, black lacquered ceramics, terracotta, gravestones and jewelry. The most valuable exhibit experts believe bilateral sculpture “zmeenogoy goddess”, which was found in the end of XIX century in the center of present-day Kerch, where in ancient times was located Pantikapaion – the capital of the Bosporan kingdom.
- Located in Sevastopol National reserve “Chersonese” exhibited the 28 exhibits – tombstones and architectural fragments of funerary structures, architectural terracotta, epigraphy and graffiti collection relating to the history and culture of Chersonesos Antiquity. All of them were found on the territory of Chersonesos. According to the plan, these things must take their place in the permanent exhibition of the museum’s refurbished building.
- From the Central Museum of Tauris at the exhibition in Amsterdam demonstrated 132 exhibits – stucco and krasnolakovaya tableware, decoration of harness, items of clothing and jewelery. Among the most valuable monuments – the pommel with a griffin, a metal plate with the Sarmatian sign, horse bridle ornaments in the form of animals and stucco vessels Aquarius as a sheep. Exported to Holland items relate to the culture of late Scythians, Sarmatians, Alans, medieval population of the Crimea and were created in the period from the IV century BC. e. to VII century AD. e. The geography of these findings is broad, but it is all connected with the history of the Crimea. From the 1920s to the present day, and they came from are located in its territory cemeteries – Levadki, Neyzats, friendly, Radiant, as well as the settlement of Scythian Neapolis.
- Bakhchisaray Historical and Cultural Reserve sent to the exhibition of more than 200 exhibits among which the most interesting are the objects of wood – fragments of pottery and Chinese box I century BC. e., and two tombstones stone relief, the uniqueness of which – combined with stories of ancient barbarous attributes.
Bust of Queen Nefertiti
Since 1930, Egypt requires Germany to return a bust of Queen Nefertiti found archaeologist Ludwig Borchardt in El-Amarna in 1912 and stored in the Egyptian Museum of Berlin. The bust is considered the most important surviving monuments of ancient Egyptian art after the gold mask of King Tutankhamun. German authorities dismiss these claims because, in their opinion, this masterpiece was purchased legally. Egypt believes that the export documents were drawn incorrectly.
The dispute over the sphinx
In the 1938-2011 years, Turkey has been negotiating with Germany for the return of sphinx statues times Hittite (powerful ancient powers in Asia Minor). Figurine, whose age – at least three millennia, has been found in the excavations in the area of settlement Boğazkale in 1915 the German archaeological expedition and transferred to Germany for restoration work. Since 1934, the artifact was decorated with the exposure the Pergamon Museum in Berlin. The issue of transfer was solved after the Turkish authorities stated that they could cancel the authorization by the German archaeologists to excavate. In June 2011, the Sphinx was transferred to Turkey.
“Athlete of Fano”
Since the 1980s, Italy in talks with the United States for the return of the statue of “Athlete of Fano.” Statue, sponsored by the Greek sculptor Lysippos believe (IV cent. BC. E.), Was found by Italian fishermen off the coast of the Adriatic in 1964 and illegally transported to the United States. In 1977, the Los Angeles Getty Museum purchased it from second-hand dealer for $ 4 million. In 2007 the Court of the Italian city of Pesaro recognized the rights of the American Museum sculpture legitimate, but in February 2010, reversed its decision and ordered the museum to return the statue of Italy. Museum appealed the decision of the Italian court, refusing to return the value on the ground that it was acquired for legitimate conditions, but an Italian court dismissed the appeal.
“Elgin Marbles”
In 1982, the Ministry of Culture of Greece has sent a formal request to the British government, demanding the return of the Parthenon sculptures from the frieze of which have been taken in the early nineteenth century, the British Ambassador from Athens by Lord Elgin. Diplomat received an export permit from the right while in Greece the Turks. Only England was ferried 12 figures with pediments of the Parthenon, the set of plates with ornaments, caryatid from the Erechtheion temple portico. In the art world, these sculptures are called “Elgin Marbles”. The sculptures were acquired by the British Museum in 1811. In April 2007, the museum has invited the Government of Greece to send for a temporary exhibition of sculpture from the Parthenon on the condition that Greece recognizes the British party ownership of these works of ancient art. Greece refused. In February 2013 during a visit to India, British Prime Minister David Cameron rejected the possibility of the return of “Elgin marbles”.
Statue of Venus Kirensk
In 2002, an agreement was reached between Italy and Libya on the return of the statue of Venus Libya Kirenskogo found by Italian archaeologists during excavations of the Greek colony of Cyrene in Libya in 1913. For a long time the sculpture was exhibited in the National Museum of Rome. The agreement was challenged in court by NGO “Our Italy”, advocating for the preservation of the country’s imported cultural and historical values. Opponents of the transfer of the statue pointed to the fact that in 1913, Libya was an Italian colony. The trial lasted five years. In 2007, an Italian court upheld the legality of the claim. In 2008, the statue was transferred to Libya.
Schneerson Library
In the early 1990s, Russia’s claims presented American Chassidim of Jewish religious movements “Chabad”. They demand the return of so-called Schneerson Library – a collection of Hebrew books and manuscripts gathered since the end of XVIII century.
Part of this collection was removed from the USSR, and after World War II as a trophy back to the country. In 1991, the requirement to return supported by President Boris Yeltsin, and then there have been several court decisions binding Russian State Military Archive return books and manuscripts from the collection of Schneerson in the United States. However, in 1992 Arbitration Court of Russia canceled the decisions of previous courts and declared the Schneerson national treasure. In 2010, the court in Washington ruled that the Russian side should transfer the book American Hasidim. In 2013, the same court issued a ruling that the Government of the Russian Federation shall pay a daily fine of $ 50 thousand. Lubavitch Hasidic movement as long as it does not return the Schneerson. In Moscow, the decision of the American court considered “as absolutely illegal and provocative.” Moreover, Russia insists on returning to Russia seven books from this collection, which received the American Chassidim for temporary use in 1994. Later, representatives of the “Chabad” stated that they will not insist on the payment of Russian court imposed a fine. They are counting on the continuation of negotiations in the hope to resolve the conflict “by mutual exchange”.
Collection Pushkin Museum
November 15, 2005 at the request of the company Noga in Switzerland was arrested a collection of paintings from the collection of the Museum of Fine Arts named after AS Pushkin. 55 paintings by famous French artists – from the classics to the seventeenth century, Pablo Picasso – were exhibited in an art gallery Swiss town of Martigny. Noga company sought from the Russian compensation for damage caused as a result of the terminated in 1993 the contract for the supply of goods in the amount of $ 1.4 billion. Arrest of the picture was shot a few days after the intervention of the Government of Switzerland, the picture returned to Moscow.
In August, the authorities in Kiev have said they will seek the return to Ukraine of Scythian gold. In particular, the Verkhovna Rada appointed Culture Minister Yevgeny Nischuk demanded that before, “as to clarify the situation with the Crimea, Scythian gold was transferred to temporary storage in Kiev in the historical and art museums.” In addition, the minister added, Ukraine “is going to sue the Russian side, with the authorities of the Crimea” on the return of Scythian gold.
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