Tuesday, March 3, 2015

“The grandson of Margaret” a new musical based on the novel Bulkagova – NIA-Kuzbass

On the eve of Moscow hosted the premiere of the musical on the famous novel by Mikhail Bulgakov’s “Master and Margarita”. Participation in the formulation adopted grandson of the writer, which, however, calls himself “the grandson of Margaret,” Sergei Bulgakov-Shilovsky.
In an interview with the newspaper “Izvestia”, he said that the play “Master and Margarita” is now in 40 theaters. “Moscow, for example, will see a new version of the musical: it was redone the beginning, some of the scenes. And, of course, there will be new artists – Anastasia Makeeva and Gleb Matveichuk “- he said.
Shilovsky-Bulgakov added that the Moscow audience spoiled, many saw knows. “In St. Petersburg for six months are sold out, but here, I think, the first time they will not. Moscow viewer should look, “- he said.
« If after the musical audience will want to read a book – so, our main task is completed. However, Bulgakov, and so, despite all the oppression, recognized as the most widely read writers of the twentieth century “- continued the source publication.
Sergei Bulgakov-Shilovsky also said that he did not like any of the adaptation of” The Master and Margarita “, adding that is currently being negotiated with Hollywood. Margarita can fulfill the role of Natalie Portman, Catherine Zeta-Jones.
Sergei Bulgakov-Shilovsky told that Marguerite was a real prototype – his grandmother, Elena Bulgakov. 8 years she has lived with the writer, who did not have children. Mikhail Bulgakov adopted his father.
– So you – the grandson of Margaret? – Asked the reporter.
– Yes, that’s right, – said Sergey Bulgakov-Shilovsky.

& amp; gt


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